Rest In Peace

Esmenio D. Carlos
09.27.1936 - 01.18.2010
I will Love You forever and ever, PopPop.


105 = WTF!!

This is a huge WTF for the sun and the Earth! Seriously!! It’s going to be 105 degrees today, one hundred and mother effing five. This is just nuts.

As you can see from the pic of the day I am wearing a sundress because I don’t want to get too hot… but sigh… i forgot a light sweater for myself… my last class of the day is really cold. =[

BTW I just cut my hair like 2 weeks ago and it’s growing back already! YAY for me!


Here’s the pic of the day:


1 comment:

Jay said...

105 is kinda ridiculous. The heat here has finally broken and we're gonna have a few nice days. It will come back next week though.