Rest In Peace

Esmenio D. Carlos
09.27.1936 - 01.18.2010
I will Love You forever and ever, PopPop.



@ Jay Thanks for your words you are so sweet when you aren’t being a cynical bastard. =]

Okay so here is and update on my retarded, ahem excuse me, “challenged” ‘effing life:

Remember how I mentioned that my baby cousin and his girlfriend are going to have a baby? If you don’t read the previous post. Anyway, it turns out that there is a huge possibility that it may be twins. TWINS. They are have 2, mind you, 2 unplanned, joyous, oh-so-wonderful, babies. AND I HAVE NONE!!! This is the part where I fall to my knees and cry like a baby. Or like this:


And don’t get me started on how many times people have told me how I am too young for kids. I know that for a fact. I also know that I am an financially unprepared and that I am unwed. BUT have you ever felt that you weren’t good at anything except for that one thing you felt you would be the best at? Well that’s how I feel about being a mother. I love kids! All kids! From being an Aunt, Godmother, a Manang(Eng.Translation: mah-nah-ng. Ilocano dialect Term of respect for Older sister or cousin. male version Manong. Similar to the Tagalog dialect’s Ate ah-te & Kuya coo-ya) I’ve been around babies and kids most of my life. I’ve got 10 younger first cousins and 8 nieces and nephews all who I’ve babysat all together or in small groups at one point or another. That’s like having a small first grade class. In fact I used to be a teaching assistant for a 1st grade class and I loved every second of it.

Is it pathetic of me to say that all I really want is a family of my own? That I’d be truly happy if that was all I had in the world? A supportive husband and 2 or 3 or 5 children?

Here’s the pic of the day:


mucho mahal, the ugly duckling

P.s. yes i am wearing make up. i tried to get all pretty-fied…. I SAID I FREAKING TRIED!!! SO DON’T LAUGH TOO HARD AT MY EPIC FAIL!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Jay said...

"Is it pathetic of me to say that all I really want is a family of my own?"

Heck no. That's a perfectly good goal to have in life.

And, makeup or no, you are stunningly beautiful! ;-)