Rest In Peace

Esmenio D. Carlos
09.27.1936 - 01.18.2010
I will Love You forever and ever, PopPop.


I’m still breathing.

Pic Of The Day:3

Hey so the main person I’d like to apologize to is Cynical Bastard, because he’s probably they only one that reads my pathetic blogs. So Jay, I’m sorry! =[

What' has been going on with my life lately lets see….

The BFs sister had her baby. I was there holding her hand for her contractions but for the actual delivery I waited in the waiting room.  And yes, I cried my silly little ass off when I saw all ten fingers and toes.

My younger cousin’s girl is going to have a baby… and yes i cried my ass off about that too… since they’ve been together for a lot shorter than the BF and I have been together.

So what brings about this emo-tastic mood…. WHEN IS IT GONNA ME MY TURN GOSH DARNIT!….

I cried and had teary eyes for about 20 minutes… because my baby cousin beat me to having kids….  I’ve been with the BF for 5 years. 5 freaking years darn it! People tell me, your young, you still have time.  I hate hearing that!  Have you ever felt like there was one thing in the world you know that you’d be great at? Have you ever had the feeling that this is what you are meant to do? When ever I baby sit or play with my little cousins that is the feeling that I get. I feel that if I was horrible at everything else in the world this is the one thing I'd be good at. I’d be good at loving and nurturing my children.

And what irks me the most is that there are people who don’t even want to have kids and there they are  procreating like rabbits.  I am going to shut up now before i cause myself some more tears…. bye

1 comment:

Jay said...

'Bout time you posted again!

Uh, I mean .. Hola babe!

Okay I won't tell you that your young and have plenty of time for kids. But, uh, you are. LOL ;-)

Okay, I'm kidding.

Just be patient. Having to wait a little longer will just make it all that much more wonderful when you do have kids.