Rest In Peace

Esmenio D. Carlos
09.27.1936 - 01.18.2010
I will Love You forever and ever, PopPop.


Why does it hurt this much?
I didn't expect to get attached this quickly...
It scared me too but I was willing to be vulnerable for him.
I honestly cared about him. I honestly did but, he wasn't ready.
So what was I?
Shhh Shhh do you hear that?
That's the basketball hitting the backboard.
Ding Ding! That's right!
You got it, come on, let me hear the answer... REBOUND.
Okay, Okay. That was really harsh.
It's not fair to him to present it in that way... I'm still hurting though.
It wasn't a physical thing, it really wasn't about the physical things.
It was more about the friendship between us.
He really is a sweet guy who just got out of an serious relationship and didn't want to be in another one.
I was his emotional crutch. So, now that he's all healed and better... I... I can...
I don't even know what to say... I'm incoherent.

Pic of the day:

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