Rest In Peace

Esmenio D. Carlos
09.27.1936 - 01.18.2010
I will Love You forever and ever, PopPop.


Why Romance Dramas and Novels are bad for your relationship

First of all, I have nothing against the romantic genre. In fact, I’m a sucker when it comes to romance.   Huge romantic gestures, public displays of affection, flowers, heart shaped candies, just-because-i-love-you gifts…. all that stuff.  But here’s why all that stuff ruins your real life romantic relationships.

Because, if you’re like me then you are constantly comparing your GF or BF/Fiancé/Spouse to the character that appeals to you the most. Ok time for the real life example… sometimes I wish that my Fiance acted like that tall, moody guy who didn’t know how he really felt and had trouble expressing his emotions, making him come off as a incredibly arrogant but totally loveable.  Then in the end he turns out to be this gentle, caring guy who, after finally understanding his feelings, will do anything he can to show the leading lady that he loves her….

But that only happens in the movies and books. So yes it is all that that ruins your relationship. Instead of going with the flow you are wondering what if he or she acted like this instead.  Deng you media, deng you with a passion!

Here’s a Pic;
Btw yes I got a hair cut



Jay said...

Romance novels, TV shows, movies ... they've all ruined it for men. We will never live up to those standards. haha

Love the haircut babe! ;-)

Anonymous said...

@Jay lol YES THEY HAVE!!!!

Thanks Jay! You are my favorite cynical bastard!!