Rest In Peace

Esmenio D. Carlos
09.27.1936 - 01.18.2010
I will Love You forever and ever, PopPop.



Kick Ass is an awesome movie! I loved it all the subtle comedy and the blood and the 12 year old girl calling a guy a cunt! It was awesome!  I was serious when I posted on my twitter that if the movie Kick-Ass had physically transformed in to a human manifistation of a man... then i'd let that man screw me silly cause he is awesome! haha  That's how good the movie is! Anywho, my day has been okay so far... did an episode on BlogTv.. Just a short one... recorded a bit with a newfound blog buddie named Marxx! he's a great singer and guitarist so check that out here.

Here's the pic of the day:


Jay said...

I've seen the trailers for that movie. It looks pretty cool. I'll probably wait for the DVD though. I almost always do.

the_ugly_duckling said...

Jay: I'm going to get that on DVD too! haha It's that awesome!